Flu Shot Clinics
November 6th, Wednesday

The 2019 flu vaccines are in and clinics have been scheduled. No appointment is necessary. Just bring your child.

Due to popular demand, we have added another flu clinic.

  • Wednesday, November 6 at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 570 Westfield Avenue, Westfield

Fight the flu with prevention. Please join us at a clinic.


Please call us at 908-276-6598 or 908-233-7171

Get In Touch

Please fill out the form below with your non-emergency inquiries. We will get back to you soon.

Pediatric Associates of Westfield
Dr. Robert Panza
Dr. Jane Presti
566 Westfield Avenue
Westfield, NJ 07090
Phone: 908-233-7171908-233-7171
Fax: 908-233-2255
Pediatric Associates of Cranford
Dr. Nicole Panza
Dr. Madeline DiMurro
570 Westfield Avenue
Westfield, NJ 07090
Phone: 908-276-6598 908-276-6598
Fax: 908-276-0040
Email: [email protected]
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